Join Us

Membership of CIMCIM is personal, and is open to individual and institutional members of ICOM.

If you already are an ICOM member:
You can join CIMCIM from ICOM’s website. Please, log on to your account (personal or institutional), click on “Join an International Committee”, and choose CIMCIM as your first committee.

If you are not an ICOM member:
Follow the instructions on the ICOM website and register for CIMCIM as your international committee.

Membership Fees
ICOM members who specified CIMCIM as their International Committee: there is no additional charge – membership is included in your ICOM subscription.

Donations (only in Euros by electronic payment) are also welcome directly to CIMCIM:
Account name: CIMCIM
Account number: 05110019182EUR
Bank name: HSBC FRANCE
IBAN: FR7630056005110511001918244

Payments by cheque in Euros (€) cannot be accepted because of the bank charges.
For payments in other currencies, please contact the Treasurer to discuss possible options: p.vandervellen (@)


Updated on January 2023